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He is

The shadow of shadows


He is

The darkness of night


He was what is

He is what was

A blackhole is

As a blackhole does


And but when Rook

Steps into light

He takes the sun

He steals the night


He was what is

He is what was

A blackhole is

As a blackhole does


The story is

As the story goes

His was what is

His is what was


His story left

As white as snow

But now

Into the dark goes


With Rook

The darkness

Absent light

With Rook

The shadow

Of shadow’s night


No need to be

Afraid of night

As darkness

Only absent light


As darkness may

All that it is

Need only fear

In night which hid


The arms that bear

The strength to fight

Now holding back

The morning’s light


To fear

May offer

Tomorrow’s lens

To fear

May prove

A wise defense


He was what is

He is what was

A blackhole is

As a blackhole does


To find the light

I’d follow wise

Just follow

With pre-adjusted eyes

Into the darkness

Where it lies


For, as you know

It goes with Rook

As stolen,

It was he who took

The light

Into a shadow nook

Whose shadow’s name

We know as…

