Children’s Stories
Children’s Stories
rAveNswAn's stories for children
Knight Mares
Yin, a baby black bear, is afraid of the dark because he cannot see himself.
Hear how he is saved from his nightmare by a black maned knight mare as told by the black and white hare who witnessed it there.
(Dr. Seuss-ian in style, at its end, Rate Your Read!)
Yin’s Dark and Scary Story
Part I of We’re All Different, We’re All the Same
Yin’s story
A dark story
A dark and scary story
Of a grizzly situation
Some may say
But not quite
Not quite so black and white
But more the black of night
And but a bear
A black bear
For a black bear
In the black of night
Makes a black bear
Not see his hair
Makes a black bear
Feel barely there
And for Yin
A little black bear
Makes a little black bear
Black night
That is…
‘Til Yin’s hero became aware
'Til Bianca
A black knight mare
With her glowing black mare white mane hair
Saved the little black bear
The black night bear
With the black night scare
Of feeling barely there
As for how I became aware
Of the story I now share
Though the story
Not quite so black and white
Rufus Aexavius Sasparilla
Can't say that for the hare
Rufus Aexavius Sasparilla
Who claimed he too was there
Hopping in the black of night
With his black and white hare tail
And his black and white hare hair
Told the black and white hare tale
Where he, as I now share
Saw the black night bear
Saw the black knight mare
The black knight mare
With the white mane hair
Save the little black bear
From the little black bear's
Barely there
Black night
What can I say?...
I guess you had to be there!
Sequel to Yin's Dark and Scary Story
Yang, a baby polar bear, is afraid of the light because she cannot see herself.
Hear how she too is saved from her daydream nightmare by a white maned knight mare as told by the now familiar black and white hare who also happened to witness it there.
Yang’s Not So Dark but Scary Story
Part II of We’re All Different, We’re All the Same
Yang’s story
A scary story
A not so dark but scary story
Of a grizzly situation
Some may say
But not quite
Not quite so black and white
And not quite so dark
But more in the day of light
But more in the day of light
And but a bear
A polar bear
For a polar bear
With translucent hair
In a solar flare
In the day of light
On the snow so white
Daydreams the polar bear
Can’t see her hair
Makes the polar bear
Feel barely there
And for Yang
A little polar bear…
Makes a little polar bear
That is…
‘Til Yang’s hero became aware
'Til Ebony
A white knight mare
With her shining white mare black mane hair
Saved the little polar bear
The white polar bear
With the white light scare
Of feeling barely there
As for how I became aware
Of the story I now share
Though the story
Not quite so black and white
Can't say that for the hare
Rufus Aexavius Sasparilla
Who claimed he too was there
Hopping in the daylight
With his black and white hare tail
And his black and white hare hair
Told the black and white hare tale
Where he, as I now share
Saw the white polar bear
Saw the white knight mare
With the black mane hair
Save the little polar bear
From the little polar bear's
Barely there
Then the hare…
Rufus Aexavius Sasparilla
The hare who claimed he too was there…
Recalled an older darker story
About a little black bear
“Not quite so black and white,
If these stories, I dare to compare.
Not quite so black and white.
I think…
There’s something more there.”
Claimed Rufus Aexavius Sasparilla
The black and white hare
As I pondered the two stories
For which to compare
One could argue
One could dare
Any similarity
Neither here nor there
When you otherwise compare
Polar opposites
The little black bear
And the little polar bear
But, reminds the hare
But for the color of their hair
Two young bears
Two nightmares
And both were saved
By two knight mares
And Rufus Aexavius Sasparilla
One black and white hare
To recount their stories
To recount and share
The similar stories they all share
Two Knight Mares of the Round Stable
I guess it’s fair
That in life’s game
I guess it’s fair
It’s fair to claim
Like a bear by nature
A bear by name
We’re all different
We’re all the same
Birden the albatross carries peoples' problems in a sack on his back. The load is heavy and he needs some help.
He tries to enlist help from many other birds he encounters, including a carrier pigeon and a carrion crow, but none will help him carry.
Finally, he receives a message from a man who wants his problem back. The man realized he needs to take responsibility for it, consequently lightening Birden's load.
(Akin to an Aesop's Fable)
Birden the Albatross
and the Weight of Woes
Birden the albatross
Carries the weight of the downtroddens’ woes
But still on his heavily laden wings we toss
What weighs in the conscience of friends and foes
Who gave him this task?
Was it me, was it you?
It’s really too much to ask
And yet ask, we still do
And like Santa’s sack
But not in a sleigh
And not one single toy
But on Birden’s back
Filled with the antonym of joy
He lumbers on with tired wings
Across the sea of despair
In search of a place to place these things
A place to unload these cares
One morning, he met a dove
And asked if it’d help carry
Some of this weight … help him rise above
But though it cooed, its plans it would not vary
And it flew off, thus did the hope its wings did carry
That afternoon, upon inquiring for assistance from a swallow
Not the everyday sort
But a slightly larger non-migratory fellow
A coconut-bearing African swallow of course
“You’re cryin’ over spilled coconut milk, you know!”
He replied and did so with absolutely no remorse
Near dark, he solicited aid from a bird
Carrying a small package as it happened by
Still over the sea of despair flew this third
With its infant package in mouth, it replied
“I unly curry bibbies … ‘em a schtork!”
The next day, at morning’s early glow
When he had thought all hope for help was gone
Birden came across a carrion crow
Who, when asked, retorted
“Son, I can’t manage more than a carry-on
And speaking of carry on, that is also what I must do!”
So, without further adieu, he did and was gone
Then, all of a sudden, like music to his ears
A bird approached, singing a welcome greeting
But, as if it knew Birden’s worst fears
When asked if it had room
It whistled in response, “Not in a million years!
“A songbird can only carry a tune!”
Birden survived the sea; he’d finally reached land
He spied a donkey in a field just off a mountain pass
He asked the fellow beast of burden if he’d give a hand
But, living up to its name, it responded like an ass
“Would if I could, but I’ve only hoof, not hand!”
In a similar encounter with a mockingbird
He got nowhere, because no matter what he would say
The bird mirrored Birden’s sentiments word for word
That is, till Birden said, “Yes, I will help.” He simply replied, “No way!”
Then flipped him the bird
But before he flew away
In a gesture both bizarre and absurd
He turned and offered, “Have a nice day!”
At last … at last, a carrier pigeon,
Surely it’d help carry, even if just a smidgeon
Help carry this burden too heavy for Birden to carry
The pigeon said nothing in response, but passed what he had to deliver
It was a message from a man that had a monkey on his back
And like how forgotten toys end up back in Santa’s sack
Thus this man’s problem had landed on Birden’s back
But, responsibility accepted, the man wanted them back
The man had finally realized a problem is something to face
Not to ignore, unload, or turn about face
If others followed suit, others in the human race
Then burdens’ weight would be a lot easier to carry
Spread out over a much wider space
And Birden’s wait would be only temporary
Before he could freely move on at his own Birden pace
But for now, and for the first time in a very long time,
Birden carries a smile on his face
The world
As such
Had never been seen
By the eyes of Hamish and Hanley
Such beauty
So much
There had never been
By the eyes of Hamish and Hanley
As their mom can attest
They’ve been put to the test
Their first aerial quest
Their first flight from the nest
“Flap your wings
Little things
Give it all of your best!”
Calls the mother
Of Hamish and Hanley
From canopy
To ground
Such a beautiful touch
In the eyes of Hamish and Hanley
More beauty
In their hearts
They had never seen such
In the minds of Hamish and Hanley
Until they turned
To see whom
Shared their rest
On the branch
Not a peep
Not a sound
Until beak jaws
Hit the ground
Set their eyes on Halo and Haley
Heart strings
Fluttered wings
Such is love at first flight
By the eyes of Hamish and Hanley