quotes by rAveNswAn
quotes by rAveNswAn
“As to whether I managed to untangle my affairs, I am a frayed knot.”
“I’d love to stay, but that’d be lying.”
“You are not here. Then, you are here. Then, you are not here.”
“If you can conquer darkness, you are one up on your shadow, as it cannot conquer light.”
“You know what they say, the road apple never falls far from the horse’s ass.”
“Death may be the noose, but life, it is the rope my friend. Death’s only tied to one end.”
“The proof is in the pudding, not in what it claims on the box.”
“All that you see with your eyes closed tight in the dark belongs to you. The rest belongs to the world.”
“Don’t take pictures for granted...take them for memories.”
“The right thing is rarely the easiest to do, but is always the right thing to do.”
“If you’re not paying attention, who are you paying?”
“The difference between use and abuse is only two letters, “a” and “b”. Since those letters are the first two in the alphabet, the distance between use and abuse is a short one.”
“Flying fat, flying flat like the lies of a twisted ribbon...the aerial and seemingly chaotic dance within the chaotrix.”
“Chaotrix - a chaotic matrix such as that created by a flock of Starlings practicing for their journey...the flight of the chaotrix.”
“Fine words wrapped in fine leather; two things that go fine together.”
“If a dog chases its tail long enough, eventually, it’ll bite its own ass.”
“Lies are the weeds that grow faster and taller than the blooms of truth.
So many weeds have spread, it will take a long time and a lot of effort to remove them before anyone would ever believe a new truth could bloom.”
“Tossing a mental coin always lands in heads.”
“Leave the hearing for the ears, it takes a mind to listen.”
“Even the light to all darkness is of no salvation if it is not turned on.”
“A light too tarnished with self illuminates nothing.”
“Dirt to roots, to leaves, ‘til fall. Birth to veins, ‘til leaves us all. Branches on trees, or elbows on knees...regardless, it’s life in between.”
“Remember the silence of today to remind those who find their voices tomorrow.”
“Control what you can control, and don’t worry about the rest. Nothing good comes from worrying.”
“Great minds think alike... and so do ours.”
“If my adversary’s demands were the wind, and I, a sailor in need, I need not raise my sails.”
“The moment you believe you are always right, you prove how wrong you can be.”
“Ok, flip a coin....heads, it may happen...tails, it might.”
“Most of being a good parent is as in most of the words, moTHER and faTHER...being THERe!”
the final frontier!”
“The day begins at midnight, not when we catch first morning light.”
“Threads of sanity found woven through the fabric of chaos.”
“Excuses are the main ingredients in all the best recipes for regrets.”
“It matters not how many steps your phone says you took, but much more how many steps you took.”
“Dreams left on the pillow turn to dribble.”
“Lazy squirrels die young.”
“Saying something to be heard and saying something worth listening to are all too often not the same.”
“I didn’t say it was funny, I just said it.”
“If your goal is to dance, don’t shoot yourself in the foot.”
“Not every hero rides a white horse, and not every dark horse brings forth an enemy.”
“Perhaps because the raven is darker than its shadow, suspicious minds cast no light on its character.”
“The synaptic crow’s flight...
The shortest distance between any two problems is a straight mind.”
“Face yourself and face your fears. When you have faced your fears, they fall away freeing your soul to take flight.”
“Satell-Parasites and epiphanies...
when during one big success an idea for another brings you to your knees.”
From the novel Through the Kindness of Ravens.
“A word is worth a thousandth of a picture.”
From the novel Through the Kindness of Ravens.
“The optimist knows the glass is half full; the realist, not to drop it.”
Quote from the chapter, Jesher Does the Math, in the novel, Through the Kindness of Ravens.
“In justice, the difference between any or none is merely a space...for without the space, you have injustice.”
Prelude to the chapter The Death Wish, in the novel, Through the Kindness of Ravens.
“The bigger the knot, the fewer see it undone...from bigger to biggest...from fewer to one.”
Prelude to the chapter Jesher Does the Math, in the novel, Through the Kindness of Ravens.
“For opportuninity’s sake, chances are yours to take and mistakes are yours to make for the prizes on the days you wake on success’s side of the road.”
“Father to son
Time to go and become
The evolution of yourself…
Makes you the only one”
“Father to daughter
Earth, wind, fire and water
All the elements are there…
For happiness and laughter”
“As I lay on my bed
Eyes level to the windows
Eyes level to the storm
A flash over the backyard
The power of the lightning
Hear the roar of the thunder
Over the cries
Of the Flash Flood alarm”
“See the change you want to be, then be the change you want to see.”
“That door could have been ours, as could every hinge. But that all hinged upon your answer on the note left on the door.”
from I'll Wait For You
“Little yellow bird
Bright green eyes
Falls in love
With a big white dove
So with green eyes spies
While she flies above
In the big blue skies
He’s fallen in love”
from Up-posites Attract
Lights On Violet Evenings…
Yellow, Orange Undertones”
from Find The Sense In Nonsense
“How fortuitous for two of us. How, for two of us, fortuitous. But for two of us, we missed the bus. The rabbit’s foot got away.”
“A secret is never safe when told within the confidence of wolves. For it will die and ne’er get old within the confidence of wolves.”
from Within The Confidence Of Wolves
“Frigid Bridget, heart’s an ice maker. Cold to the touch, so cold, but I’d take her home with me where we could break the ice. Blend drinks with the slivers on hot summer nights.”
“My watch, she holds the wait of the world in her hands, and I watch as time slips through her fingers.”
from A Waist Of Time
“Knights and knaves, Kings and slaves and the world that lies between. The further from the top the shorter the drop. To the maiden, said the Queen”
“Your face, your eyes have been replaced by windows I look through in case a trace of your return I spy. You left. You left with no goodbye.”
from Window Pain
“You’ve taken command over all my senses. Overthrown them, left them beaten senseless. My only recourse makes any sense is to love you more. I love you more”
from I Love You More
“Though lit by sun of day in life, through darkness I am bound. And yet, though lost, I make my way into your eyes where I am found.”
from Found
“The choice of the living and the fate of the dead both rest on a pillow, only one lifts their head to see tomorrow.”
from The Cry Of The Bell
“We may not amount to but a bead of mist in the ocean of time, but in our minds, an endless universe, and to me, you are my world. Perverse. A mountain from a grain of sand, my life but pours right through your hands.”
“If you tell yourself you cannot do something, then you can’t. You trust yourself more than anybody so will believe it, though it is likely you are merely enabling a self-fulfilling prophecy.”
“Only the free have the luxury of making the mistake of taking freedom for granted.”