A taste from the menu of my mind...
A taste from the menu of my mind...
…or for a quicklook, click the widget below.
Look for it in the Local Author's Books section at the Barnes and Noble in Peoria, Il.
When I released the Ravens.
When I finally had the Kite ready to fly.
Mural in Barnes & Noble's cafe...who is the man on the right in the suit jacket and fedora?...
When you zoom in, he looks a little like me!
Added The Symmetry Of Succulents to my journal. ...pass it on
“Fine words wrapped in fine leather; two things that go fine together.”
Side Menu
Side Menu
“Uhhhhh, excuse me, there’s a moon in my coffee.”
My bLOG jOURnal comes in many flavors. For starters, try the skit idea, Shoot Hockey Marsh Vrooms., then pick up a little fake history from The Origin of the Thinking Cap.
The main dish, however, is the poetry. Poem may be a four letter word, but don't let that stop you.
I recommend Frigid Bridget Meets the Icebreaker or Two Lovebugs Flying Into the Light. I could go on but I Gotta Draw the Line Somewhere.
Follow the Pen...
For those with a taste for adventure, Follow the Pen... is seasoned just right.
The appetizer, a brief 'story behind the story.'
Then click on the corresponding picture to link to a digital short.
When you are finished, close that window and finish with Rate Your Read, a light desert of a survey designed to make it very easy for your palate to wear the hat of a food critic.
Exhibits found in
rAveNswAn's Mind Museum...
please pick up a map
at the Information Desk.
Exhibits found in
rAveNswAn's Mind Museum...
please pick up a map
at the Information Desk.
Exhibits consist of souvenirs from places my mind has wandered.
“Death may be the noose, but life, it is the rope my friend. Death’s only tied to one end.”
“All that you see with your eyes closed tight in the dark belongs to you. The rest belongs to the world.”
“If you’re not paying attention, who are you paying?”
Five lines off our telephone pole looked like a good spot for a flock of birds to land. I remember thinking how the lines reminded me of a music staff and the birds formed notes upon them. The scene, and that I had been reading a book about Leonardo DaVinci, inspired Birds On A Wire.
I wish I had gotten a photograph of the scene, but I was later able to get this shot with the robin standing in for the flock.
I had read Leonardo DaVinci believed music and math were closely related, that music, like math, could be calculated. Click through the Birds On A Wire images above to learn the musical message the birds communicated to Mr. DaVinci.
“Don’t take pictures for granted...take them for memories.”
“Will do rhymes with mildew, but there is no other connection.”
Filled another leather journal...onto the next. Click the image above to see the madness...
“The proof is in the pudding, not in what it claims on the box.”
“Flying fat, flying flat like the lies of a twisted ribbon...the aerial and seemingly chaotic dance within the chaotrix.”
...the black of night.
"Face yourself and face your fears. When you have faced your fears, they fall away freeing your soul to take flight." - rAveNswAn
“You know what they say, the road apple never falls far from the horse’s ass.”
“The difference between use and abuse is only two letters, “a” and “b”. Since those letters are the first two in the alphabet, the distance between use and abuse is a short one.”
...And She Answered by the Name of Virtue
“The right thing is rarely the easiest to do, but is always the right thing to do.”
Quite possibly my biggest critic, Meeko has managed to delete several of my blog attempts. He is brutal in his methods. In one stealthy and lethal pounce onto the keyboard he can wipe out any efforts he deems unworthy!
“Chaotrix - a chaotic matrix such as that created by a flock of Starlings practicing for their journey...the flight of the chaotrix.”
See…I’m not the only person on my cell phone!
“If you can conquer darkness, you are one up on your shadow, as it cannot conquer light.”
Looking <> Seeing
Looking <> Seeing
Here is a collection of some of the art I have done over the years, followed by some photography.
The Edge of the shadow
Yes, I like U2, but the real inspiration for the U2 drawings was all the detail in Anton Corbijn's photography.
Don't ask.
The joke's on me
What a minute can do
The map to the gold,
page two...the legend
and the missing piece.
Wings...because a feather cannot fly alone
My journal runneth over...mission accomplished.
A zebra eye this would not, but this wood knot and grain, the zebra eye our picnic table has got.
Brighter than...
The son in my eyes
The Sun In My Eyes
Looks like it is setting over the ocean's horizon
Captured just as he let go.
Waves of grain
At the corner of Whittaker and Water
FONT: Declaration of Independence