“Don’t take pictures for granted…take them for memories.”
Shallow Thanks Along The Banks Of A Deep Memory
Under my breath
I offer a much-deserved
And yet unheard
Thank you to Mr. Eastman
For strengthening
Memories nearly forgotten
For helping me remember
The color of her eyes
Oh, I remember they are brown
But forgot I saw the colors of the world in them
How every time she looked around
It was the world that got absorbed by them
I took the picture
So it’s only fair
As I look at it now
That the picture takes me
Levels my emotions
Takes me back to the innocence
Only a baby’s eyes could still possess
And it only took
The picture I took
To remember
So if a picture says a thousand words
Take thousands of them
To give you millions of opportunities
To remember
The pictures, if nothing else
Placed in albums or boxes
Kept on a shelf
For as sure as you don’t
You’ll wish that you did
She’ll grow up fast
You’ll pop off the lid
The box in your lap
Old pictures in hand
The baby,
Whose eyes now belong to your “friend”
Looks at them with you
Wishing she could remember
But the only things she’ll know
Are the stories that you tell her
And the pictures that you show
Then, under your breath
You’ll offer a much-deserved
And yet unheard
Thank you to Mr. Eastman
For strengthening
Memories nearly forgotten
And helping you to remember
The color of her eyes
Oh, you remembered that they’re brown
But forgot you saw the colors of the world in them
How every time she looked around
It was the world that got absorbed by them
And it only took
The picture you took
To remember
So if a picture says a thousand words
Take thousands of them
To give you millions of opportunities
To remember