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The Gift Declined

The Gift Declined



A gift

The gift of freedom

Boxed by the laws designed for it

Wrapped by the souls who fought for it

Bowed by the arms committed to defend it


But through eyes of evil

Its value skewed



Now We the People

Some in ignorance



Freedom resigned

The gift declined


If they’d just open it

They’d see

Before throwing away

What they’ve taken for granted;

To be free

Before walking away

From the Land of the Free

If they’d just open it

They’d see


Why it was boxed by the laws designed for it

Why it was wrapped by the souls who fought for it

Then bowed by the arms committed to defend it


They’d see the priceless value

It is to be free

And why freedom resigned

The gift declined

Too late, but they’d finally see

To throw it away

The greatest mistake in history

It is

See this link in the original post