Viewing entries in
Kite and Coin Toss

The Poison Fills the Void


The Poison Fills the Void

The Poison Fills the Void



I’m a constitutional conservative

To be free


And left alone

The rights I have to live


To be left alone

While my constitutional right

It goes not both ways


They must never be left alone

A constant personal fight

With the government always


The poison fills the void

When with our attentions

We avoid

Support of freedom’s light

Beam on the government’s might

For without

The darkness backfills

Turns freedom’s day to night

When the poison fills the void


And the poison‘s filled the void


It never stops

It never relents

But the only way

The evil can ever win

From our posts

If we should stray

Constitutional doors unguarded

A magnet for poison

The poison fills the void


For far too long

Farmer’s hounds

By their sides

Backs to coops

While poison guides

Constitutional coups

Where freedom lies

They won’t relent

‘Til freedom dies

The poison fills the void


And the poison‘s filled the void


Release the hounds

Provide them scent

Of enemies

Who don’t relent

Of enemies

Their poison sent


Release the hounds

Back to the coops

Where poison hides

And won’t relent

‘Til freedom dies

To kill it first

Profoundly wise

When the poison fills the void


And the poison‘s filled the void


In This World of Lies


In This World of Lies

In this world of lies




If integrity still exists

It must be bound in the shadows

Beaten by the fists

Of the unelected and

Mainstream media’s hits


I stand for truth

I fight for integrity

I shoot for those stars


America Is or America Was


America Is or America Was

(Image: Cracked, But Never Broken)

Evil is

As evil does

Evil’s done

Pure evil now


America is

Or America was

Depends upon

What we do now

What We the People

Will allow


Says America, Let Me Tell You How I Feel


Says America, Let Me Tell You How I Feel

Over the edge

Is where they’ve pushed

My patience and my sanity

Try to force us to accept

Their attacks against humanity

Steal elections

In their efforts to steal

Our rights

Our freedom

Our industrious zeal


After years of suffering

Your bullshit

Says America

Let me tell you how I feel…


It’s Freedom in the Balance


It’s Freedom in the Balance

It’s freedom in the balance

On the scales of Lady Justice


And evil’s not just tipped the scales

They’ve gone completely off the rails

 They’ve pulled Lady Liberty down

It is time for America

To give Lady Justice a helping hand, a nudge, back up.






It’s the liberals

Who wear the pants

Although, ironically

They’d rather prance

Through women’s rooms

Makeup and dress

No pants

Again, ironically

Still they’re beating the pants

Off RepubliCan’ts


America, Stand Up


America, Stand Up


Stand up

Before they lay you down

Six feet below

Six feet below your hallowed ground

In a hole shoveled by their narrative

Filled with their countless lies

Covered up by the corrupt media

Under blind fact-checking eyes…


The Kite and the Coin Toss excerpt - George Washington’s speech


The Kite and the Coin Toss excerpt - George Washington’s speech

In light of, and appreciation of the efforts made to compile the mass of evidence of 2020 election fraud exposed in 2,000 Mules and Rigged.

If actual evidence, though I want to see the movies, I would rather see them used to bring justice to America.

Context: In my alternate history novel, The Kite and the Coin Toss , America lost its revolution against its mother country, England. In this excerpt, George Washington, from the jail cells he shares with other leaders of the revolution and signers of their declaration, gives a speech to spark action in what would prove to be their final opportunity in this life.

“When against extraordinary odds, one needs to take extraordinary actions.” - George Washington


The Kite and the Coin Toss - book-signing


The Kite and the Coin Toss - book-signing


Me, Ron Swan


The Kite and the Coin Toss - book-signing


Saturday, September 11, 2021 from 2-4 pm


Barnes & Noble

5001 N Big Hollow Rd

Peoria, IL 61615


Because when you find a good coin, you give it a toss.


The Sad, Sad Story of Handsstill and Regrettel


The Sad, Sad Story of Handsstill and Regrettel

I share with you a sad, sad story. The sad, sad story of Handsstill and Regrettel…

The Sad, Sad Story of Handsstill and Regrettel



Hold these truths

To be self-evident


Withhold all truths

To fit their narrative


Live and let live

Don’t tread on me


Take and no give

What’s yours belongs to me

They flip that story


But their witches house

Is made of candy

The Handsstill’s and Regrettel’s

Think it’s all dandy

All fat and happy in their cages

While the world around them rages….
