What Price Are You Willing To Pay For Freedom?
I started writing The Kite and the Coin Toss on January, 1, 2010 and just this past week, my child has moved out and I am presently an empty nest writer.
It seems crazy that for the whole 2010’s decade, I have felt like a single parent raising my child.
It took so long because writing has always been like a third job for me. It is a passion, but my first full-time job/passion is family, my second job (the day job I keep) is at Caterpillar, so writing has always had to accept its place as third. For that reason, I have truly learned the value of patience.
But as I also truly believe in the stories I have to tell, I have never found it difficult to be patient with them. So if it means that I have to write in early mornings and late nights, then so be it. And if it means it will take me longer to get the stories written, then so be it yet again.
Someday I hope to be able to retire and make writing/creating my day job, but until then, at least I can say I have raised my second novel and seen it off to its real world.
The Kite and the Coin Toss is now at the publishing company going through an editorial review, and I am very proud of it.
To everyone out there who shares in the plights of pursuing their passions, I salute you and I hope you persevere.
All the best,
Ron Swan