“I share with you a sad, sad story. The sad, sad story of Handsstill and Regrettel.”
The Sad, Sad Story of Handsstill and Regrettel
Hold these truths
To be self-evident
Withhold all truths
To fit their narrative
Live and let live
Don’t tread on me
Take and no give
What’s yours belongs to me
They flip that story
But their witches house
Is made of candy
The Handsstill’s and Regrettel’s
Think it’s all dandy
All fat and happy in their cages
While the world around them rages
They won’t catch on
Until it’s too late
When they hear the clang
Of the lock on the oven gate
When you live like sheep
The wolves control your fate
The sheep count themselves
They count themselves to sleep
They’re prey to wolves
Their souls to eat
The sad, sad tale
Of Handsstill and Regrettel
The house may be of candy
But leaves a taste of gun metal
And though Handsstill
Lives up to his name
Got his hand fill
From the government landfill
His hands still
Not working hands
They only fill
From government plans
His sister won’t do the same
Until they learn
They’re only pawns
In the government’s game
Then Regretttel will regret all
But doesn’t know it yet
Not smart enough
To place that bet
Regrettel doesn’t regret it now
Too busy smokin’ weed
The gov won’t allow
It may help her relax
But if the gov
Don’t get its tax
Gonna cut that stem
Gonna cut that stim
And we know it ‘cause
Hold these truths
To be self-evident
Withhold all truths
To fit their narrative
Live and let live
Don’t tread on me
Take and no give
What’s yours belongs to me
They flip that story
Their witches house
May be made of candy
But leaves a taste of gun metal
Won’t learn until it’s too late
Thus the sad, sad tale
Of Handsstill and Regrettel