In my alternate history novel, The Kite and the Coin Toss , America lost its revolution against its mother country, England. In this excerpt, George Washington, from the jail cells he shares with other leaders of the revolution and signers of their declaration, gives a speech to spark action in what would prove to be their final opportunity in this life.

<> CONTEXT<> In my alternate history novel, The Kite and the Coin Toss , America lost its revolution against its mother country, England. In this excerpt, George Washington, from the jail cells he shares with other leaders of the revolution and signers of their declaration, gives a speech to spark action in what would prove to be their final opportunity in this life.

“I think on all we have accomplished, and all we have not. I know in all my efforts; I have done everything an ordinary man can do. I know this, as it is woven throughout the very fabric of my soul. There is no mirror I could stand before, mine eyes unto my reflection’s, without honour in facing that ordinary truth.” 

Staring into the eyes of the men he spoke; he could see there was not a man among them in doubt.

“In my efforts I have attained the heights of all that could be ordinarily expected. All the same, where I have failed myself, … most importantly where I have failed all I have served, is in the lack of extraordinary. I now realize that I have failed in finding and capitalizing on opportunities that had not knocked. These opportunities were there just the same. When against extraordinary odds, one needs to take extraordinary actions. It took the light of our darkest hour to shine on this revelation, but I now know what I must do in redemption for all I have not.”
