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Atticus The Songbird - rAveNswAn


Atticus The Songbird - rAveNswAn

I have always loved To Kill A Mockingbird so when Go Set A Watchman came out, I had to read it. From what I understand, the latter was Harper Lee’s first version of the story. An agent/publisher? recommended she rewrite it, but from the perspective of Scout when she was younger living the story as opposed to when she was an adult reflecting on it.


gListen - rAveNswAn


gListen - rAveNswAn

I thought of gListen while driving to Paneras today. I wrote the initial draft at the stop lights along the way so I wouldn't forget it.

I love writing.


I Love You More - rAveNswAn


I Love You More - rAveNswAn

My wife Kineta will take a flower and pluck the petals saying, "He loves me...he loves me more." Brilliant is a win-win situation.

Appropriately, there is an "Easter Egg" hidden in the picture I selected. Do you see it?


Come A Time - rAveNswAn


Come A Time - rAveNswAn

The first verse of Come A Time popped into my head and it flowed so easy I immediately had it rolling on repeat like a song you can't shake and don't want to. Then when I sat to put it to paper, It fell into it place in the lyrics like a foot into a favorite shoe.

Come a time
We’re meant to be
Come a time
When we’re a we
‘Til then
You’re just an I
And I am just a me
‘Til then
Whatever will…
Whatever will be
Will just have to be


Only My Breath In Front Of Me - rAveNswAn


Only My Breath In Front Of Me - rAveNswAn

I took the picture before I left for work yesterday. As I took it, I thought of the phrase, "Left with the sunrise in my side view mirror..."

This morning I built on that and ended up writing Only My Breath In Front Of Me.


In My Time With Mr. Clock - rAveNswAn


In My Time With Mr. Clock - rAveNswAn

In language, we often personify our descriptions of common objects, for example, we say a clock has a face and hands. This connection between an inanimate object and a human is a cross section of sorts providing segway for a twist in perspective and the telling of a both absurd and yet accessible story. Such was the case with In My Time With Mr. Clock. Surely if Mr. Clock has a face, he has two ears, two eyes and a mouth which he can cover with his two hands in a hear no evil, see no evil, speak no evil kind of way.


Bir♪s on a Wire - rAveNswAn


Bir♪s on a Wire - rAveNswAn


Happy Pi Day!

I had read Leonardo DaVinci believed music and math were closely related, that music, like math, could be calculated. While celebrating Pi Day, read Birds On A Wire to learn the musical message the birds communicated to Mr. DaVinci. 


Was Night’s Eye Upon Me - rAveNswAn


Was Night’s Eye Upon Me - rAveNswAn

I wrote this Was Night's Eye Upon Me back in 2009 from a night where the moon shone fully and perfectly through small bedroom window, illuminating me. It seems a rare occurrence and since that one, I am only aware of two other times it has occurred. Oddly, both were in the past month or so.


Tattered Jacket - rAveNswAn


Tattered Jacket - rAveNswAn

My latest collection of writing, In The Wind These Words has recently passed the 500 page mark. My latest, Tattered Jacket is a great example of Following The Pen as I started with the thought of the jacket collar turn up against the wind. That thought was inspired by a line from a Simon & Garfunkel song, The Sound of Silence. What you read is where that thought took me.
